In the gastronomic world, the sous vide method of preservation is increasingly being adopted for fish and meat. For cheese in particular, this technique offers a number of advantages. In this article, we'll explore why it's a good idea to opt for vacuum packing to extend the shelf life of your favorite cheeses without compromising their taste or nutritional quality.

Mastering the cheese vacuum process

Understanding the principle of sous-vide

The sous-vide method involves removing the air around the product and hermetically sealing its packaging. This absence of oxygen considerably slows down the proliferation of bacteria and other micro-organisms responsible for the decomposition process. This not only ensures optimum preservation of the product, but also better preserves its taste and nutritional qualities.

Putting sous vide into practice with cheese

What characteristics need to be taken into account?

Vacuum packing cheese requires a certain amount of know-how. It is crucial that the packaging does not crush the cheese, while guaranteeing an airtight seal. Certain types of cheese require special conditions due to their intrinsic characteristics (texture, moisture content, etc.), which will be discussed later in this page.

Choosing vacuum packaging equipment for cheese

Vacuum packaging machines

Various models of vacuum packaging machines are available on the market, ranging from domestic appliances to professional tools. It's essential to choose a model that suits your needs and budget. What's important is that the machine is able to extract air efficiently and seal the bag properly. For occasional use, a manual machine may suffice. However, if you plan to store vacuum-packed cheese on a regular basis, it would be preferable to invest in a more powerful electric model.

Vacuum bags

There are also different types of bags specifically designed for vacuum packing: embossed vacuum bags and smooth vacuum bags. These bags need to be strong and airtight, yet flexible enough not to damage the product during the packaging process. Now that we've covered the technical aspects of vacuum packing, let's see how this method can improve the nutritional and taste quality of cheese.

Cooks using a gastro tub

Nutritional and taste benefits of vacuum-packed cheese

Preservation of essential nutrients

One of the main advantages of vacuum preservation is that it preserves the vitamins and minerals present in cheese. Indeed, in the absence of oxygen, chemical reactions likely to degrade these components are severely limited. This means you can enjoy the full nutritional benefits of cheese even after some time.

Preservation of original taste

In addition to the nutritional benefits, vacuum packaging also preserves the original taste of the cheese. The reason is simple: as there is no exchange of aromas between the cheese and the external environment, the product retains its aromatic profile intact. This characteristic is particularly interesting for strong-smelling cheeses whose taste may be altered by contact with other foods. But exactly how long can a cheese be stored under vacuum? Let's find out.

Shelf life of vacuum-packed cheeses

Standard shelf life

In general, vacuum preservation can extend the shelf life of cheese by several weeks or even months, depending on the type of cheese. However, it's worth noting that this can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the initial quality of the product, its composition and storage conditions.

Shelf life by cheese type

Cheese typeApproximate Vacuum Shelf Life
Hard cheese (such as Parmesan)6 months
Semi-hard cheese (such as Cheddar)3 to 4 months
Soft cheese (such as Brie)2 to 3 weeks

These times are, of course, approximate and must be adjusted to the specific conditions of each product.

The impact of vacuum packaging on different cheese varieties

Hard and semi-hard cheeses

Hard and semi-hard cheeses, such as Parmesan and Cheddar, lend themselves particularly well to vacuum packaging. Not only are they spared the harmful effects of oxygen deprivation, but their firm texture means they can withstand the vacuum process without deforming.

Soft and blue cheeses

However, the situation is somewhat different for soft and blue cheeses. These cheeses have a more delicate structure that can be damaged by vacuum packaging. What's more, these cheeses generally continue to ripen after production, a process that can be hampered by a lack of oxygen. We advise you to take these special considerations into account for soft and blue-mould cheeses.

Special considerations for soft and blue-mould cheeses

Preserving cheese texture

To prevent the cheese from being crushed during the vacuum packing process, we recommend placing the product in the freezer for a few hours before packing. This will allow the cheese to harden slightly and better withstand the pressure exerted by the machine.

Managing ripening

When it comes to ripening, one solution might be to cut the cheese into smaller portions before vacuum-packing. This way, each portion can be consumed shortly after unpacking, minimizing the negative effects of lack of oxygen on the ripening process.

How best to preserve flavor after vacuum-packing?

Let the cheese breathe

To maximize the flavor of cheese after it has been removed from the vacuum bag, it is strongly recommended to let it breathe for about an hour before eating. This will allow the cheese to recover its full aromatic potential.

Storage after opening

When you open a vacuum-packed cheese, make sure you consume it as soon as possible to avoid oxidation and loss of flavor. Ideally, it should be consumed within 48 hours of opening. Finally, let's look at the mistakes to avoid when re-opening vacuum-packed cheese.

Mistakes to avoid when re-opening vacuum-packed cheese

Opening too soon

As mentioned above, it is advisable to let the cheese rest after it has been removed from the vacuum bag. If you're in a hurry and decide to consume the product immediately after unpacking, you risk missing out on much of the flavor it has to offer.

Neglecting storage conditions after opening

Once the bag has been opened, cheese storage conditions become crucial. Make sure you store it in a cool, dry place to avoid any accelerated deterioration of the product.

This vacuum-packing method not only significantly extends the product's shelf-life, but also ensures optimum preservation of the cheese's taste and nutritional qualities. However, to achieve the best possible results, it is crucial to take into account the specific characteristics of each type of cheese, and to use the appropriate equipment. Last but not least, don't neglect the post-packaging phase: aeration of the cheese once it has been removed from the vacuum bag is essential if you are to enjoy its full flavour.